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The Tech Assurance Complete IT solution

Predictable IT Investment

Would You Like One Monthly Cost for Complete Management?

With the Tech Assurance Complete Solution program, you will no longer face large, often unnecessary and unexpected expenses related to your technology.

Complete Hardware Coverage

No Unexpected Hardware Expenses

With Tech Assurance, the dependability of your devices is a significant priority. Another is predictability of cost. To address both, our program is designed to cover all parts and labor associated with hardware failure. Should you experience a failed hard drive, system overheating, memory failure, power surge, or any other hardware-related issue, then we will service the unit at no cost to you through the life of the agreement. This includes

Network Health, Performance, and Security Assessment

Keeping Your Data Protected and Your Business Compliant

With new technology comes new security risks, and It is no secret that cybercrime continues to be a prominent problem for businesses of all sizes. However, attempting to understand the most contemporary threats and preventative measures can be a daunting task, and to use valuable resources to do so can be a distraction from the core elements of your business. At Tech Assurance, we understand top security risks, and will develop and implement a protection program aimed specifically at the needs of your business. This can include:

A formidable challenge of any business is to understand government and/or industry standards of compliance as it pertains to technology, particularly with regard to data security. These standards affect businesses and organizations of all sizes and types, and can result in potentially severe penalties if not met. Tech Assurance will provide technology solutions with this firmly in mind, ensuring your data is secure by the definition of your industry.

Remote and On-Site Monitoring Services

Would it Help if Problems Were Resolved Before They Cause Disruption?

Preventative maintenance plays a pivotal role in the lasting integrity of any IT infrastructure. A workstation, server, or network may appear to be fully operational and problem free; however, there are often hidden issues that can develop into major setbacks that result in lost time and unnecessary expense. The Tech Assurance Complete Solution incorporates 24/7 remote monitoring services for these devices, providing two key benefits:

  1. Persistent analysis of the integrity of the server and desktops, including thorough performance of preventative maintenance to avoid significant problems and downtime. When our software detects a matter of concern, our team will immediately investigate and work to settle it with as little interference on your business as possible.
  2. A help desk, available 24/7 and based in the US, ready to answer any questions or quickly resolve most software issues that may arise.

As part of our proactive approach, our technicians will schedule periodic on-site visits to your office to physically assess the condition of your equipment and discuss any questions or concerns you may have. With this program in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that we've got your systems covered, and you can focus on what's most important: your business.

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